Corner Café


Recipes from Taiwanese cooking show, Stylish Man – The Chef (型男大主廚), from Sanlih E-Television’s (三立電視) SET Metro (三立都會台) channel.

Seafood and Tofu in Claypot 海鮮豆腐煲 – 阿基師

A popular restaurant dish that can be easily cooked at home.

Ingredients: 6 tiger prawns; 1/2 squid tube (cleaned and prepared); 4 scallops; 1 snapper fillet; 200g cabbage; 5 broccoli florets; 3 shiitake mushrooms; 1 stalk spring onion (1 extra for garnishing if desired); 1 thumb-size ginger (sliced thinly); 1 box regular soft tofu; 2 tablespoons cornflour; 200ml fish stock

Seasonings: 2 tablespoons rice wine; 1 tablespoon oyster sauce; soy sauce (optional, will brown sauce if added), blended sesame oil & salt to taste

1. 起鍋熱3大匙油,取豆腐切塊放入鍋中半煎炸至兩面金黃,取出瀝油備用。
1. Heat 3 tablespoons oil in a wok or frying pan, fry the tofu (cut into bite-size pieces if they comes in a block) until golden brown, drain and set aside.

2. 取草蝦去殼、高麗菜切塊;起滾水鍋,放入高麗菜汆燙後,撈出瀝水備用。
2. Peel and devein the prawns (keep shells and heads), cut the cabbage leaves into bite-size pieces; blanch the cabbage pieces in boiling water briefly; set aside.

3. 起鍋熱香油,取薑切片放入鍋中爆香後,加入蝦殼炒出香味,倒入適量清水、香菇梗煨煮成蝦湯,取出過濾備用。
3. Add a little blended sesame oil to wok or frying pan, sauté ginger slices until fragrant, add prawn shells and heads, fry until fragrant, add a little water, mushroom stalks to make prawn stock, remove from heat, strain and add to fish stock, set aside.

4. 取香菇切塊、鯛魚順紋切片、中卷劃刀切斜片、干貝對剖切、蔥切小段,備用。
4. Cut mushrooms into 4, slice the snapper fillet, slice the squid tube, cut each scallop in half, cut spring onion into small sections, set aside.

5. 起鍋熱1大匙香油,放入蔥段爆香後,加入香菇、花椰菜、高麗菜炒勻,再加入蝦湯(留少量蝦湯備用)、豆腐煨煮入味,調入蠔油1大匙、鹽巴1/2茶匙調味。
5. Add 1 tablespoon blended sesame oil to the wok or frying pan, sauté spring onion sections, then add mushrooms, broccoli florets, blanched cabbage, and stir-fry briefly. Add prawn/fish stock (keep a couple tablespoons of the stock for dissolving cornflour to make a slurry later), add fried tofu pieces, and cook briefly so tofu absorbs the flavour. Finally add seasonings, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, 1/2 teaspoon salt, rice wine or to taste.

6. 預熱砂鍋、取少量蝦湯加玉米粉拌勻成芡汁;同上鍋,待湯水稍微收汁後,放入海鮮料拌煮,起鍋前淋入芡汁拌煮勾芡、撒上香油提味後,倒入砂鍋中撒上蔥花即完成。
6. Heat a claypot over the stove. Prepare the cornflour slurry with the reserved stock and cornflour, add to the dish in the wok or frying pan, cook until the sauce thickens, then sprinkle a little sesame oil. Transfer the dish into the heated claypot, and garnish with some chopped spring onion if desired before serving.

3-Cup Chicken 三杯雞 & Tomato Scrambled Eggs 番茄炒蛋 – 阿基師

Two home-style dishes, 3-Cup Chicken is a very popular Taiwanese dish, and Tomato Scrambled Eggs is a quick, easy dish for weeknights.

3-Cup Chicken 三杯雞

Ingredients: 2 chicken thigh fillets, 1 thumb-size ginger, 6 garlic cloves, 6 Asian shallots, 1 red chilli, 30 Thai basil leaves

Seasonings: 100ml rice wine, 2 tablespoons pure black sesame oil, 1/2 tablespoon rock sugar (or raw sugar to substitute), 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon white sugar

1. 雞腿肉去除多餘油脂、薑切片、辣椒切斜段、蒜仁切碎、紅蔥頭切碎,備用。
1. Remove any excess fat if necessary from the chicken fillet. Slice the ginger thinly, slice the chilli diagonally, chop the garlic cloves and shallots, set aside.
2. 起鍋將雞腿皮面朝下乾煸出油,待兩面煎香成金黃色取出切除多餘脂肪切小塊,備用。
Pan fry the chicken fillets, skin side down, to render the fat, and until golden brown, remove fillets from heat and chop into bite-size pieces, set aside.
3. 用上鍋底餘油爆香薑片、蒜仁、紅蔥頭後,倒出蒜油備用。
3. Sauté ginger slices, chopped garlic and shallots in the remaining chicken fat in the pan until fragrant and golden brown, remove and strain to keep the fragrant oil, set aside.
4. 用上鍋鍋底餘油,炒融冰糖,再調入2大匙醬油,加進雞腿肉塊拌炒,接著調入米酒、適量醬油加蓋燜煮收汁後,調入1大匙糖拌炒,再淋入步驟3蒜油翻炒均勻。
4. Without washing the pan, add rock (or raw) sugar to the pan to caramelize, add 2 tablespoons soy sauce, add chicken pieces and stir-fry to coat. Add rice wine and remaining tablespoon soy sauce, cover and cook until sauce reduces, then add the 1 tablespoon white sugar and stir fry briefly, then add the fragrant oil from step 3.
5. 預熱砂鍋,取九層塔加2大匙黑麻油後,放入砂鍋炒香,再倒入步驟4料翻炒均勻,最後在鍋邊淋上米酒熗鍋即可。
5. Heat a claypot. Add 2 tablespoons black sesame oil to the claypot with the Thai basil leaves, cook briefly, add the chicken and sauce from step 4, stir to combine. Cover and drizzle extra rice wine on the lid which will flow into the claypot, serve.

Tomato Scrambled Eggs 番茄炒蛋

Ingredients: 2 beefsteak tomatoes (skinned), 1 stalk spring onion, 3 eggs

Seasoning: Salt to taste *

1. 番茄切丁、蔥切蔥花、3顆蛋液打勻加鹽調味,備用。
2. 起鍋熱適量油,放入番茄炒香後,倒入適量水加1茶鹽拌煮收汁(收至剩2成水份),再淋入蛋液,加進蔥花撥炒至熟即可。
1. Chop the skinned tomatoes into smaller pieces, chop the spring onion, beat the 3 eggs lightly with a pinch of salt, set aside.
2. Heat oil in a wok, add chopped tomatoes and stir-fry until soften slightly, add 1 teaspoon salt, or to taste, dissolved in a little water. Stir-fry until liquid reduces to almost dry, pour in beaten eggs, stir-fry quickly until eggs just set. Garnish with extra chopped spring onion if desired before serving.

* We usually add a little sugar and white ground pepper to season as well.

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